Message from CEO

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Message from CEO

In a message to Al Hilal Life staff, our CEO Mr. Said Hathout thanked everyone for their efforts in 2018 and highlighted the financial achievements for the year with regards to the growth in gross written premiums by 19% and growth in net profit by 106%, as well as accomplishments in terms of product launches, growth in the number of insureds and various enhancements and improvements; all resulting from the dedication of Al Hilal Life’s team and the excellent relationship with our customers and partners. Mr. Hathout also highlighted the various recognitions & accolades awarded to the company in 2018 and concluded by sharing the planned outlook for 2019:

“A year is over and another year has begun, with it the beginning of a new chapter, a chapter of growth, a chapter of innovation, a chapter of change… 2019 will witness further growth in both retail and corporate sales in both Bahrain and Kuwait, it will witness new developments in terms of systems and products, it will witness the strengthening of resources and innovation in how we reach new clients and communicate with existing ones…. A sensational year for us, where we take our business to the next level! And it all starts with you…you will make it happen…with your commitment and dedication…we will succeed!”

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Al Hilal Life signs
TPA agreement

25th Dec 20

Al Hilal Life signs
TPA agreement

25th Dec 20

Al Hilal Life signs
TPA agreement

25th Dec 20