Governance Overview

Corporate Governance and Governance Structure

Corporate governance is understood as a system of controls over a corporate entity which defines the rights and responsibilities of the different stakeholders in the corporation such as the Board, shareholders, managers and others. Al Hilal Life and Al Hilal Takaful commit to preserve high standards of corporate governance practices that includes the implementation of governance measures of policies and procedures.

Al Hilal Life Corporate Governance Framework

Al Hilal Takaful Corporate Governance Framework

The Board of Directors delegates responsibility for the day-to-day management of the business of the company to the Chief Executive Officer who is supported by a senior management team. A body of policies and procedures has been developed and approved to facilitate operational management and ensure compliance with regulations and best practice.

Management Committee

Provide a forum through which the senior management team exchange ideas and opinions on issues relating to company policy and strategy. Act as the authorized body to implement the strategic directives from the Board. Oversee the development and application of approved policies and procedures.

Policies and Procedures

The Company continues to develop, review and enhance company policies and procedures on an on-going basis. These address a wide range of areas including Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Fraud and Financial Crime. The company annually submits an AML report to the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) as required.


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