Ro´ya Future

Save for your future financial objectives

What is Ro´ya Future?

Ro’ya Future is a Shari’a compliant long-term Savings and Protection Plan that allows you to save for your future financial objectives while benefiting from valuable Takaful covers. Whether it is securing your child’s education, starting a new business, traveling around the world, buying your dream house, or planning for your retirement, Ro’ya Future is the plan for you.

What do you get with this Plan?

Ro’ya Future Plan offers three Main Plan Benefits that will help you reach your future financial goals:
  • Long Term Savings
  • Your Choice of Investment Funds
  • Death Benefit Cover
You may also enhance your plan by opting for any of all of the supplementary optional benefits:

Accidental Death Benefit:
In the event of loss of life due to an unfortunate accident, your loved ones will receive a lump sum payout in addition to the main Death Benefit.

Critical Illness Benefit:
Upon diagnosis of a covered critical illness, Al Hilal Takaful will pay a lump sum amount contributing towards the added financial costs associated with critical illnesses like medical bills, long term healthcare, or even your childcare expenses. This benefit can be offered for either 5 or 11 illnesses, whereby in case the latter is chosen, the following would be the covered illnesses:
  1. Cancer
  2. Stroke
  3. Heart Attack (myocardial infarction)
  4. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
  5. Loss of Speech
  6. Major Organ Transplant
  7. Blindness
  8. Paralysis
  9. Kidney Failure (End-stage Renal Failure)
  10. Multiple Sclerosis
  11. Third Degree Burns

Total Permanent Disability Benefit:
This benefit offers you a lump sum payment in case, as a result of sickness or accident (God forbid) , you are no longer able to engage in any occupation for which you are suited by reason of training, education or experience, provided it is reasonably certain that such disability will persist throughout your lifetime.

Waiver of Contribution Benefit:
In case of total permanent disability resulting from sickness or accident (God Forbid), you will no longer be required to pay any future contributions, and future regular contributions will continue to be paid into your plan account on your behalf.


Flexible Plan:
Customizing your plan in terms of flexibility to choose the contribution amount, the investment strategy, coverage amount, indexation rate, shorter payment term, and any supplementary benefits

Adaptable Investment Strategy:
Easily Adaptable to your changing circumstances, whereby you can switch from one investment strategy to another, increase or decrease contribution, pay additional contributions, add or remove optional benefits, change payment frequency, and change the coverage amounts of both main and optional benefits

Withdrawal Facilities:
In case cash is needed, partial withdrawals or surrenders are available any time after the plan has been active and contributions have been paid for 36 months

3 Reasons why you must buy this plan

Flexible Payment Term

Adjustable Optional Benefits

Customizable Plan

The Top 5
Questions People Ask us

We looked at the most commonly asked questions and answered them for you.

The Top 5
Questions People Ask us

Take a look at the most commonly asked questions about life insurance.
A Life insurance policy is an affordable way to give you and your family members peace of mind, knowing that they will be protected in the unfortunate event of your death or disability. You will no longer have to worry about their financial future and can rest assured knowing they will be able to continue their current lifestyle.

The best time to start saving is Now. The sooner you start saving, the better the chances are your plan value will have the sufficient amount you will need in the future. We generally have fewer expenses at the earlier stage of our life, however as we grow older we accumulate more responsibilities and accordingly expenses tend to rise, so it would be easier for us to meet those increased expenses if we start saving as early as possible. In addition, starting to save early in life creates a positive habit of saving first then spending whatever remains of disposable income.

It depends on your income, liabilities and dependents. Generally, it should be at least 10-15 times of your annual income

The biggest benefit of investment being linked to insurance is that the plan provides a protection advantage. In the event death or disability occurs (God forbid), your savings might not be adequate to meet the dreams you had for the future. Thankfully insurance helps with that; with Death or Disability benefits offered, this will help meet the real purpose of the plan: your dream.

Saving & Protection plans can be for the purpose of Education, Regular Savings, Wedding, or Retirement, and they offer a number of benefits, such as

  • Long term Commitment: Encourages you to save consistently towards a future goal, be it a better education for your children, buying a house or starting a business, saving for your child or grandchild’s wedding or even saving towards your retirement. These plans also provide you with the flexibility to choose the mode of payment and frequency.
  • Takaful Death Benefit: God forbids in case of death, the protection element in these plans ensures that your future goal you had set for your children is still met. In case you had selected a retirement plan, you can rest assured that a lump sum will be paid out to your family for financial security.
  • Choice of Investment Strategy: Range of investment strategies are available that you can choose from based on your risk appetite.
  • Indexation: Helps your savings be protected against inflation

Let us help you plan for your better future!

Share your Basic Details and we will arrange a call back for you.

Bahrain Regional Office

Sunday – Thursday, Opening Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Office 41, 4th Floor, Building No 2080, Seef Tower, Road No 2825, Al Seef 428, P.O Box 5832, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.

+973 1758 9800

Kuwait Branch Office

Sunday – Thursday, Opening Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

10th floor, February 25 Tower, Khalid Bin Alwaleed St., Share, Kuwait City, Kuwait.

(+965) 2294 2663