MEIF sponsorship

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MEIF sponsorship

Al Hilal Life was proud to be one of the sponsors for the 12th Middle East Insurance Forum, held at the Gulf Hotel on February 20th and 21st 2017.

The MEIF 2017 looked closely at topics of key relevance to regional insurers including obstacles impeding more rapid growth and strategies for further expansion and industry advancement. Some of the prominent topics featured included the current economic environment and challenges faced by the insurance sector, the role of regulation, the role of insurers in current regional Health Care reform, and the challenges facing the Takaful industry.

From the left: Nazar Al Shakar (Regional Development Manager – Retail), Emanuel Lantzos (CEO), Roshan Aravind (Regional Development Manager – Corporate) 

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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text

Al Hilal Life signs
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Al Hilal Life signs
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Al Hilal Life signs
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