Unit linked Products

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What is Unit linked Products?

A Shari’ah compliant Unit-linked product is a Family Takaful plan that combines investment and Takaful coverage. This product is known in conventional insurance as investment-linked insurance. It is defined as a life insurance that combines investment and protection.

As far as Shari’ah compliant Unit-linked product is concerned, the contributions of the participants will be divided into two parts. One part is to serve protection where a particular portion of the contribution will be treated as donation to the fund. This portion is used to help the participants that need it most, as in the case of death or disability. The other portion of the contribution goes into buying investment-linked units.

The customers are given the chance to choose which Shariah approved investment funds they want to invest in. The investment-linked units are then managed by the Takaful operator, who in return receives a fee for the service. If, during the period of Takaful, no claim was made, the participants will receive a share of the surplus in the Takaful fund, based on the pre-agreed ratio with the Takaful operator. Each share of the surplus will be used to purchase additional investment-linked units.

Unit linked products provide the benefits of risk protection and flexibility in investment. They offer attractive features such as flexibility to choose your investments, transparency of charges and liquidity in case you incur a large unexpected cost. You have the option of managing your own investment through selecting your own investment strategy to meet your specific life stage requirement and risk profile.

  • Unit linked products help you invest in different funds based on your risk profile.
  • The returns are based on market performance and are not guaranteed.
  • It is a long term savings plan. Naturally the longer you keep saving the better is your accumulated wealth.
  • You can choose to pay your contributions monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. You also have an option of building your capital through additional deposits.
  • Past performance is not an indicator of what might be achieved in the future.
  • In case of an unexpected emergency, you can surrender or partially withdraw from your plan. However, it is better to pay your contributions regularly for a longer period, to gain the benefit of accumulation.

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Bahrain Regional Office

Sunday – Thursday, Opening Hours: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm

17th Floor, Office 1701/1702, Building 470, Road 1010, Sanabis 410, P.O. Box 5832, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.

+973 1758 9800


Kuwait Branch Office

Sunday – Thursday, Opening Hours: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm

10th floor, February 25 Tower, Khalid Bin Alwaleed St.,
Share, Kuwait City, Kuwait.

(+965) 2294 2663
